(2022/09/19) Prof. Chung-Pai Chang – Introduction to SAR
(2022/09/26) Prof. Ya-Lun S. Tsai – Fundamental Concepts of Radar and SAR
(2022/10/03) Prof. Ya-Lun S. Tsai – Observations of SAR
(2022/10/10) Dr. Chih-Heng Lu – Introduction of SAR interferometry
(2022/10/17) Dr. Yunung Nina Lin – SAR image processing using SNAP
(2022/10/24) Prof. Kuo-En Ching – Crustal Deformation Monitoring by InSAR Techniques
(2022/10/31) Dr. Yunung Nina Lin – Flood detection
(2022/11/07) Prof. Kuo-Hsin Tseng – Surface deformation and sea level rise
(2022/11/14) Prof. Ray Y. Chuang – SAR and homeland monitoring
(2022/11/21) Dr. Chih-Heng Lu – Land Subsidence Monitoring
Prof. Chung-Pai Chang
Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University
Email: cpchang@csrsr.ncu.edu.tw
Research Interests
➢ Structural Geology
➢ Geological Data Processing
➢ Geologic Remote Sensing
Prof. Ya-Lun S. Tsai
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University
Email: yalunstsai@ntu.edu.tw
Research Interests
➢ Remote Sensing/Earth Observation
➢ Environmental Monitoring
➢ Satellite Image Analysis
➢ Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
➢ Machine Learning
Dr. Yunung Nina Lin
Assistant Research Fellow
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Email: ninalin@earth.sinica.edu.tw
Research Interests
➢ Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) processing
➢ Time-series Analysis
➢ Reflection Seismology
➢ Velocity Model Building
Prof. Kuo-En Ching
Associate Professor
Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University
Email: jingkuen@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Research Interests
➢ Crustal Deformation
➢ Earthquake Potential Estimation
➢ Mobile Mudstone/Mud Diapirism
➢ Semi-Kinematic Geodetic Reference Frame
➢ Land Subsidence
Prof. Kuo-Hsin Tseng
Associate Professor
Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University
Email: khtseng@csrsr.ncu.edu.tw
Research Interests
➢ Satellite Altimetry
➢ Satellite Geodesy
➢ Remote Sensing for Health-Related Application
➢ Multispectral Analysis
Prof. Ray Y. Chuang
Associate Professor
Department of Geography, National Taiwan University
Email: raychuang@ntu.edu.tw
Research Interests
➢ Topographic Evolution
➢ Surface Processes
➢ Crustal Deformation
➢ Applications of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
➢ Natural Hazards
➢ Land Monitoring
Dr. Chih-Heng Lu
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica
Email: foxlu@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Research Interests
➢ Observation of Surface Deformation with SAR Imagery
➢ Data Fusion of Multi-spatiotemporal Resolution
➢ Monitoring the Hazards Distribution of Urgent Events