Prof. Eberhard Möbius
Dr. Eberhard Möbius, Prof. Emeritus
Department of Physics & Astronomy and Space Science Center
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, U.S.A.
With a Ph.D. in Physics from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, and twelve years at the Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Dr. Möbius joined the Space Science Center and Physics faculty of the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in 1990. His research focuses on the acceleration of particles and their transport through space with state-of-the-art particle spectrographs on NASA and ESA spacecraft, such as AMPTE IRM, FAST, Cluster, SOHO, ACE, STEREO, IBEX, and IMAP. More recently, he turned to interstellar gas and its interaction with the heliosphere, imaging the solar system boundary with energetic neutral atoms and pioneering the direct sampling of this gas. Eberhard Möbius is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and received several NASA and ESA Achievement Awards and UNH honors, including Distinguished Professor.
Imaging the Heliospheric Boundary and Catching the Interstellar Wind with the Interstellar Boundary Explorer