Prof. Ayako Matsuoka
Kyoto University, Japan
Self-introduction :
Prof. Ayako Matsuoka is Director of the Data Analysis Center for Geomagnetism and Space Magnetism, Kyoto University. She has participated in the magnetic and electric field experiments by Japanese and international spacecraft missions exploring the terrestrial and planetary magnetosphere: Akebono, Geotail, Nozomi, Kaguya, BepiColombo, Arase and Juice. In particular, she has played a principal role in the
magnetic field experiments of Nozomi (PI), BepiColombo MIO (Co-PI) and Arase (PI). She is currently taking charge of magnetometers for future missions, Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) and Comet Interceptor, as Sub-PI of ion detector instrument team. She has been the Project Manager of Akebono from 2008 until 2016.
Prof. Yoshifumi Saito
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan
Interaction between the solar wind and a solar system object varies largely according to the object’s properties, such as the existence of a global intrinsic magnetic field and/or a thick atmosphere. While showing examples of the plasma/particle data obtained by spacecraft and /or sounding rockets, I will talk about the instrumentation for plasma/particle measurements in space.
Yoshifumi Saito’s research is concerned with rocket and satellite experiments for the study of space plasmas in the ionosphere and magnetosphere. He has developed a number of space-borne instruments for low-energy charged particle measurements as PI or Co-I in sounding rocket experiments and satellite missions such as Geotail, Nozomi, Kaguya, BepiColombo/Mio, and MMS.
Prof. Koh-Ichiro Oyama
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan and Kyushu University, Japan
The talk describes the measurement of basic ionosphere parameters, including its principle and the several results obtained by using sounding rockets and satellites. Two problems associated with the measurement by using sounding rockets and satellites are also discussed.
Retired from the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), JAXA in 2006. All his life was devoted to sounding and satellite measurements to measure ionosphere/atmosphere. The plasma instrument he developed was installed in 5 Japanese, 2 foreign earth-orbiting satellites, and more than 60 sounding rocket experiments conducted inside and outside Japan.
Campaign conductor of Balloon, and sounding rockets experiments.
His last job at ISAS was to propose a Venus orbiter mission in Japan as a chairman of Working Group, launched in 2010.
In-situ measurement of magnetic and electric fields in the space
Plasma/particle measurements in space
Measurement of ionospheric plasma density and electron temperature