TSU Mini-Moon Seminar Series No. 43(July 04, 2024) @ Google Meet

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★ July 4, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00 AM (UTC+8)

Speaker: Prof. Jinhai Zhang (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Title: Imaging the subsurface structures of a planet

Prof. Jinhai Zhang


Shallow subsurface structures can reflect both geological processes and environmental variations of a planet thus gaining great attention in planetary sciences and deep space explorations. Ground penetrating radar, either in orbit or on the ground, provides us with critical observations for exploring the planetary subsurface structures; however, these data are usually extraordinarily noisy and contaminated by various artifacts, due to strict limitations in developing the instruments and in planning their orbit or route. Here, we present some recent advances in data processing for enhancing weak signals and in imaging fine layers for extracting more critical geological indication information, which are mainly from or based on the state-of-art techniques in seismic exploration field. Deeper reflectors emerged from strong artifacts and background noises after using these techniques, as illustrated by SHARAD, Yutu and Zhurong radar data.