Origins of Lunar Water
Dr. Parvathy Prem
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
The Lunar regolith
Prof. Daniel Britt
(University of Central Florida, USA)
Diurnally Migrating Water on the Moon: Evidence from LRO LAMP
Dr. Amanda R. Hendrix
The present-day meteoroid flux on the lunar surface
-from recordings of seismic impact events, observations of impact flashes, and statistics of fresh craters
Prof. Jürgen Oberst
(German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Planetary Research
Technical Univ. Berlin, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation Sciences)
Lunar seismology
Start and possibile next step of Planetary seismology?
Dr. Philippe Lognonné
(Institut de physique du globe de Paris
Universite de Paris, France)
Lunar volcanism
Prof. Harald Hiesinger
(University of Muenster, German)