Dr. Pamela Cambianica
15/02/2020 – present: Post-doctoral researcher
National Institute for Astrophysics –Astronomical Observatory of Padova – Padova – Italy
Thermal analysis of planetary and small bodies’ surface.
Theoretical studies of planetary and small bodies’ surfaces.
Ground-based observation of small bodies.
Planetary Surface Processes and Analysis, Geomorphology, Thermal Analysis and Simulation,
Fragmentation Analysis, Statistical Analysis
2014 – Present
Associate Scientist: ESA /Rosetta OSIRIS camera , PI: Dr. Holger Sierks (Max Plank Institute, Goettingen, Germany)
2020 – Present
Associate Scientist: ESA/BepiColombo SIMBIO-SYS Camera, PI: Cremonese, Dr. Gabriele (INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Padova, Italy).
01/04/2019 – 30/06/2019
Visiting PhD Student – DLR, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Berlin
Thermal analysis, Finite Element Method Simulation, Planetary Analysis, under the supervision of Mottola, Dr Stefano
2019 – Present
Co-Investigator, TNG/A40DDT2 – Observation of the first interstellar comet: 2I/Borisov.
PI: Gabriele Cremonese, INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
2020 – Present
Co-Investigator, TNG/A41DDT3 – Observation of comet C2020/F3 Neowise
PI: Gabriele Cremonese, INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
Long-term measurements of the erosion and accretion of dust deposits on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko with the OSIRIS instrument