Mini-Moon Workshop

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Date: Oct. 24, 2022, 13:00 pm (UTC+8)
Speaker: Prof. Wing-Huen Ip (National Central University)
本Workshop的目的在為想參加Orbital Space競賽「EXPERIMENT ON THE MOON: Lunar Payload Mission」的朋友們解答在設計任務時,遇到的月球相關問題(如月球環境…等)。
競賽翻譯請見Mini Moon No. 24網站:
Mini-Moon No. 24影片:

Recorded Video

Prof. Wing-Huen Ip

葉永烜教授的研究專長是彗星、行星大氣與地球高層大氣、太陽系與行星形成、電漿物理。1982年時他和法國科學家丹尼爾·高迪耶(Daniel Gautier)、美國科學家托比·歐文(Toby Owen)向NASA與ESA提出探測土星系統的計畫,該計畫就是現在的卡西尼-惠更斯號。[9][10]NASA在2009年授予他特殊公共服務榮譽勳章(Exceptional Public Service Medal, EPSM)以表彰他對卡西尼-惠更斯號計畫的貢獻。



EXPERIMENT ON THE MOON: Lunar Payload Mission

We want to challenge the next generation of innovators to use their imaginations to propose science and exploration concepts for the Moon. 
Are you an aspiring scientist, engineer, inventor or innovator? Are you interested in learning about different environments and technologies? Do you like space missions? If so, this competition is for you! 
The purpose of this competition is to encourage and empower individuals or teams to develop, design and conduct scientific experiments or technology tests to be carried to the surface of the moon onboard of a commercial Moon lander. 
The uniqueness of the Moon’s environment can enable the development of something new which is not possible to be developed on Earth. This competition allows you to learn how real scientists and engineers conduct their experiments and technology tests. Through this competition, you can also explore a topic that interests you, learn about the environment on the Moon and create your own experiment to be conducted on the surface of the Moon!