立方衛星自從1999年的倡議開始,至今已是相當成熟的航太技術。因為其成本低,硏發週期短,所以除各太空組織(如NASA及ESA)以及産業界(如Planet Lab) 外,亦是學界用於進行科學研究和人才培育的重要工具。但麻雀雖小,五臟俱全。常規的測試和系統工程還是一點都不可久缺。臺灣的立方衛星剛在起步點,尚在累積經驗的過程。 因為他山之石可以攻玉,我們建立這個線上講座, 作為國際交流的平台,以求加快立方衛星的科學應用以及産業界的投入。

Cubesat Webinar List

1. Taiwan CubeSat Initiatives

Past, Present, and Future of CubeSats in Taiwan, Chen-Joe Fong(1)

6U Pathfinder CubeSat for NSPO’s future mission, Chen-Yu Chan (4)

PHOENIX CubeSat: Accomplishments and Lessons Learned, Jyh-Ching Juang(1)

Design, integration and first results from IDEASSat, Loren Chang(1)

The inspiration for Taiwan Maritime Satellite Industry from YuSat-1, Sheng-Long Kao & Anson (2)

2. New Space Activity

The situation of the scientific cubesat program in France, Pierre Drossart(3)

Lean Satellite; Delivering satellites’ values with low cost and short time, Mengu Cho (2)

Engineering The World’s Smallest Spacecraft, Zac Manchester (5)

Suomi 100 cubesat: Background, goals, preliminary results and lessons learned, Esa Kallio (2)

Space missions at the Satellite Research Centre of the NanyangTechnological University in Singapore, Amal Chandran (1)

Shared Satellites Service for accessible and sustainable Space, Viktor Dachev (4)

EnduroSat – Proposal for cooperation, Raycho Raychev (4)

Luxembourg Space Ecosystem, Jordan Vannitsen (6)

3. University of Colonado Cubesat Projects

Small Satellite Approaches and New Opportunities!, Daniel Baker (4)

The Two Dozen CubeSats from University of Colorado Boulder (CU), James Paul Mason (2)

The GTOSat mission, Lauren Blum (6)

CubeSats for Space Science, Robert A. Marshall (7)

The MinXSS cubesats, Tom Woods (7)

4. Earth observation CubeSat Projects

The EZIE way to measure the ionosphere electrojets, Sam Yee(1)

Space weather and auroral monitoring with cubesats, Mathieu Barthélémy (4)

UVSQ-SAT pathfinder mission: a small satellite for observing essential climate variables, Meftah Mustapha (5)

Passive Reflectometry with the interferometric method, Heinrich Fragner (9)

INSPIRE-SAT 7, a cubesat to observe the Earth, Meftah Mustapha (8)

Utilization of Enabling Technologies to Perform Atmospheric Temperature Measurements, Martin Kaufmann and Tom Neubert (5)

5. Deep Space CubeSat Projects

Lessons learned from Aalto satellites; FMI lunar mission activities; and satellite component additive manufacturing, Antti Kestilä (2)

The LUMIO CubeSat Mission to the Moon, Francesco Topputo (4)

Flying to the Moon for radio astronomy at low frequencies, Mark Bentum (4)

The Sun-Earth-Line Observing System (SELOS): A SmallSat mission architecture to address the science of Space Weather, Angelos Vourlidas (9)