TSU Mini-Moon Seminar Series No.9

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5/17 (Mon) 14:00 pm
Water in the lunar interior
Prof. Hejiu Hui (Nanjing University, China)

5/17 (Mon) 15:00 pm
What can we learn from the Lunar exosphere?
Prof. Francois Leblanc (Sorbonne Université, France)

5/17 (Mon) 16:00 pm 
The LUMIO cubesat mission to the Moon
Prof. Francesco Topputo (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

5/28 (Fri) 16:00 (@google meet)
Flying to the Moon for radio astronomy at low frequencies
Dr. Mark Bentum (Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands)


Water in the Lunar Interior: Distribution and Evolution

Prof. Hejiu Hui
(Nanjing University, China)

What can we learn from the Lunar exosphere?

Prof. Francois Leblanc
(Sorbonne Université, France)

The LUMIO CubeSat Mission to the Moon

Prof. Francesco Topputo
(Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Flying to the Moon for radio astronomy at low frequencies

Dr. Mark Bentum
(Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands)


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